Kraftykid & Vangs Music’s “i don’t even mind” is Great Gatsby vs The American Dream in A Nutshell

Verse 1

First, let’s talk about how melodic the beat sounds. Props to Vangs Music. It just compelled Kraftykid to sing away whether he was hitting the note or not. “They’re like, K she was bad why’d you let her get away?” he raps. One might call it self-sabotage, but there are many types of people out there. Some prefer to be single, some can’t do without a partner, some are poly, and some are even asexual.

“Guilty.” — Varys, 129 AC

Verse 2

Kraftykid half-jokingly credits his luck with women to his barber. But wait. To a black man, a barber is so important that we stay with the same one our whole life if we can help it. So important that Big Tobz & Blittz had to make an anthem about it. So important that Krafty had to pay homage to that song. “Gotta thank my barber for the puss that I’ve been getting.” Then in the same breath he shamelessly talk about his mum’s life lessons. You know the one. “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all”, and I hear he’s quiet in person…


Others perceive single people to be lonely, and some are, but Krafty claims to be happier alone. So for the artwork I wanted to capture that desolate feeling and I referenced the Blade Runner 2049 poster but added the man turning into sand.

I’m convinced Ryan Gosling can do no wrong. What’s his best movie?


Kraftykid self-reflects on his perception of happiness as the Great Gatsby type versus the American Dream type which has permeated cultures all across the world. You know, starting a family, getting a dog, picket fence, etc. The moral of the story is don’t yuck someone’s yum, especially if you don’t understand it. Give the song a listen below and tell me what you think.


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